
Daniel DeVries

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  • Thanks to newly awarded Watson Fellowships, two 49ͼ seniors will travel the globe next year to conduct research ranging from political accountability in countries like Egypt and Russia, to bias toward Gypsy populations in Europe. The prestigious Watson Fellowship is a one-year $25,000 grant for independent study and travel outside the United States, awarded to […]
    March 19, 2013
  • In one weekend, Alexa Windsor ’13 , a double major in German and history, had access to more academic gravitas in her field than many students have in four years of college. She attended the recent Black and Blue Danube symposium, which featured film screenings, a student poster session, and three panels showcasing a dozen […]
    March 18, 2013
  • A 49ͼ alumna may soon be the first woman appointed to the Western District Federal Court of New York, according to U.S. Sen. Charles E. Schumer, who recommended Elizabeth Wolford ‘89 for the post this week. Wolford, a Buffalo native who now lives in Rochester, attended Notre Dame Law School following graduation from 49ͼ. She […]
    March 7, 2013
  • Seeing Neil deGrasse Tyson deliver an exuberant lecture to a standing-room crowd at Memorial Chapel is an amazing experience, and hundreds of students took advantage of that Monday night. Now imagine being a physics or astronomy major with the opportunity to share your research with the acclaimed astrophysicist.
    February 26, 2013
  • EcoCampus, the company that was created by two 49ͼ students to sell environmentally-friendly paper on campus, has found another way to be “sustainable.” Seniors Ryan Smith ’13 and Brendan Karson ’13 have sold their company to four juniors, turning the EcoCampus into what may be 49ͼ’s first student legacy business. They developed EcoCampus over the […]
    February 25, 2013
  • The number of unauthorized immigrants coming to the United States has slowed in the past decade, according to a new report by the International Migration Review, a publication of the Center for Migration Studies that was edited by Ellen Percy Kraly, 49ͼ’s William R. Kenan Jr. professor of geography.
    February 20, 2013
  • Children learning to plié and pirouette at the Hamilton Center for the Arts have instructors that could also tutor them in neuroscience and sociology. Three 49ͼ students are now teaching children, ages 6 to 10, beginner dance lessons at the 10 Broad Street location of the HCA in downtown Hamilton.
    February 14, 2013
  • It’s only February, but the Year of ’13 has already offered many ways to remember and celebrate 49ͼ. As promised, on the 13th of every month we will post a story or list pertaining to our lucky number. Here are 13 of the many high-profile speakers and special guests who have visited campus over the […]
    February 13, 2013
  • Applications to 49ͼ increased 7 percent compared to last year, with 8,346 students seeking admittance to the Class of 2017, according to the Office of Admission. Significant increases from international students, particularly from China, and from states that admission counselors have been specifically targeting, helped fuel new growth while numbers in the Northeast remained steady. […]
    February 1, 2013