
Faculty News

  • Jacob Mundy, assistant professor of peace and conflict studies,  was recently featured in a Washington Post video on Western Sahara. The co-author of Western Sahara: War, Nationalism and Conflict Irresolution, Mundy is increasingly being called upon for his expertise on Western Sahara.
    July 10, 2013
  • As events rapidly unfold in Egypt, experts at 49ͼ are discussing the groundswell of public dissatisfaction with that country’s democratically elected government, and how the Egyptian population now appears largely in favor of a military coup. Bruce Rutherford, 49ͼ associate professor of political science and director of Middle Eastern and Islamic civilization studies, is intimately […]
    July 3, 2013
  • Associate professor of geography William Meyer joined Steven Cherry in conversation for a podcast called Techwise Conversations. The podcast series is from Spectrum, hosted by the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers. Meyer was on the show to talk about his book, The Environmental Advantages of Cities, published in March by MIT Press. The podcast episode is […]
    June 18, 2013
  • 49ͼ professor Jacob Mundy was called upon by the USA Today to add his expertise to an article on north Africa called “Forgotten Western Sahara pines for autonomy.” The article talks about how the Arab Spring revolutions seemed to ignore the Moroccan royal regime. Mundy, author of Western Sahara: War, Nationalism and Conflict Irresolution, suggests some of […]
    June 11, 2013
  • For an article titled “The Evolution of Hand Gestures: Why Do Some Die Out and Others Endure?”, The Atlantic magazine contacted Spencer Kelly, associate professor of psychology, for his expertise on hand gestures. The article examined two kinds of hand gestures. The first are “co-speech gestures”, unconscious ways we move our hands as we talk. Professor […]
    June 10, 2013
  • Professor Michael Loranty and Kira Yasuda ’15 are currently in Healy, Alaska, examining the effects of permafrost thaw on ecosystem water and nutrient cycling. The study is in conjunction with St. Olaf College, Woods Hole Research Center, and the University of Florida. The Healy sites, run by the University of Florida and the Woods Hole Research […]
    June 6, 2013
  • Professor of Political Science Robert Kraynak has been named an academic fellow by the Foundation for the Defense of Democracies (FDD), a non-partisan policy institute based in Washington, D. C. He will travel with a group of 30 American professors to Israel in June 2013 for an intensive study of terrorism and the challenges faced […]
    June 5, 2013
  • NBC’s Today show featured 49ͼ’s gift of 119 indigenous artworks to Curtin University in Western Australia. Watch the segment below, or visit the Today Show page. Please visit this link to read the full story. Read the full remarks by Provost Douglas Hicks at the Curtin University transfer ceremony. Here is a slideshow of the art.
    May 14, 2013
  • (Editor’s Note: Remarks by Douglas A. Hicks, provost and dean of faculty, at the transfer of art ceremony held at the Center for Aboriginal Studies, Curtin University, in Perth, Australia, on May 8, 2013.) Vice Chancellor Hacket, distinguished government officials, faculty and staff at Curtin and 49ͼ universities, and honored colleagues from Western Australia and […]
    May 14, 2013