
Faculty News

  • Themes such as oppression, difference, and interconnectedness arose during Tuesday’s Brown Bag lunch in which six faculty members gave their perspectives on the quote that also served as the symposium title: “We may have all come on different ships, but we’re in the same boat now.” Held in the Center for Women’s Studies, the panel […]
    January 19, 2011
  • Longtime geography professor Theodore Herman, whose keen interest in issues of war and peace led to his founding of the university’s Peace and Conflict Studies Program (P-Con), died Thursday, Dec. 30. He was 97. Herman joined 49ͼ’s faculty in 1955, retiring in 1981. He taught cultural geography, passing on to many students his love of […]
    January 6, 2011
  • Sociology professor Meika Loe and her students continue to explore the issue of aging as they collaborate with local elders on poignant digital stories. Thirteen students in Loe’s Sociology of Age, Aging, and the Lifecourse class worked closely with area residents in creating three-minute films about the residents’ lives.
    December 20, 2010
  • When Richard Pryor died in 2005, after having revolutionized stand-up comedy with poignant profanity-laced examinations of race, The New York Times turned to a former employee to write his obituary: Mel Watkins ’62.
    December 14, 2010
  • Physics department faculty members Charlie Holbrow, Jim Lloyd ’54, Joe Amato, Kiko Galvez, and Beth Parks have spent the last four years working together on a revision of the 49ͼ-inspired Modern Introductory Physics.
    November 9, 2010
  • About a dozen “hikers” — including six 49ͼ students –gathered at the corner of Lex and Astor Place in Manhattan on a recent Saturday, smart phones in hand and exploration in mind. The group was with art professor Cary Peppermint, who had created what he called Indeterminate Hikes, a custom application for Android smart phones […]
    October 20, 2010
  • Three 49ͼ biology professors — Damhnait McHugh, Krista Ingram, and Catherine Cardelús — were awarded more than $750,000 in grants from the National Science Foundation for three distinct projects that will involve student researchers.
    September 20, 2010