
  • GreenWeaver
    (Note: The following was written by John Pumilio, director of sustainability at 49ͼ.) When Carly Keller ’13, Sarah Vondracek ’13, and Sarah Cochran ’14 enrolled in Community-Based Study on Environmental Issues (ENST 390) with Professor Christopher Henke during the fall of 2012, they devised a strategy to move 49ͼ toward a zero-waste commencement.
    May 14, 2014
  • On a recent day in New York City, a dozen students from the on-campus 49ͼ Entertainment Group met 49ͼ alumni and toured such locations as Viacom and NBC Universal. The daylong itinerary helped students get great advice and see that a large number of alumni in the entertainment field are part of a strong network […]
    January 31, 2014
  • 49ͼ students are sharing their experiences conducting research with faculty members on campus and in the field. This post is by sociology/anthropology and women’s studies major Evan Chartier ‘14, of Oak Park, Illinois. Almost everyone has known a nursing assistant. They might take your vitals at the hospital or help with daily activities that someone […]
    November 25, 2013
  • Meika Loe, associate professor of sociology and women’s studies and director of LGBTQ and Women’s Studies, was a guest on WRVO’s “Take Care” program. In a 15-minute segment that aired Sunday, Loe discusses the history and the effects of Viagra. She is the author of The Rise of Viagra: How the Little Blue Pill Changed […]
    October 28, 2013
  • 49ͼ students are sharing their research and intern experiences this summer. This post is by Viktor Mak ’15  from Fort Myers, Florida. This summer I’m volunteering and living at a weaving cooperative in the Guatemalan highlands for two months. After applying to a Career Services program to fund my summer internship and receiving the support I […]
    August 5, 2013
  • Summer certainly means pool parties, lazy afternoons, and hot dogs on the grill. At 49ͼ, summer also means time for some serious research. A sampling of about 150 students conducting summer research on campus presented their findings at the Robert H.N. Ho Science Center last week. The research on display spanned a wide range of […]
    July 24, 2013